August 17, 2016
DC Native Actor Lamman Rucker
partners for DC's 2nd Annual Black History Film Festival
Urban Film Review partners with DC native and Greenleaf actor, Lamman Rucker to partner with 2017 DC Black History Film Festival. "I believe programming like this is essential for black youth and America as whole to elevate our consciousness and conversations about Blacks' contributions to America, both past and present," says Rucker.
The 2017 DC BHFF will take place Sunday, February 26th at the Lincoln Theatre. Grand prize for high school student video competition winner is a visit on the set of Greenleaf.

August 25, 2016
DC's Mayor's Office of African American Affairs partners to host 2017 DC Black History Film Festival
"When approached with the idea of partnering to host the Black History Film Festival, it just made sense," says Rahman Branch, Executive Director of the Mayor's Office of African American Affairs. "This festival aligns with the strategic vision my office has been tasked with."